Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Boundaries of Israel, Ancient Verses Modern

Lest we think that modern Israel is taking up too much oxygen in the Middle East, above is a map of the Land of the Jews in Solomon's time, 3000 years ago in light yellow, verses the land of the Jews today, in green. Presently, Olmert is considering giving away even more of Israel---the Golan Heights---to appease the Palestineans!

Israel, the incredible shrinking democracy.


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be a more peaceful world if the jews could just 'move Isreal' to say... Tunisia or somewhere? Why are you fundamentalists so intent on protecting the jews and Isreal since they are non-believers in christ?

Anonymous said...

This is the land God gave the Jews before the disapora, and according to the Word, they will be brought back to their homeland (which happened in 1948) and many will be redeemed and come to Christ in the last days. Conflict with Islam and the Arab peoples is all part of the unfolding of salvation history.

Of course, if you don't believe in the prophecies of the Bible, you are going to think this is all silly. But that doesn't mean it won't come to pass exactly as it is foretold. Time will bear this out.

Anonymous said...

Simple. No Israel, no second coming. Apparently, Christ cannot and will not return to Earth unless the Jews occupy Israel. That's why fundamentalist Christians generally oppose Jews giving any land to the Palestinians (or Jordanians or Syrians). Left to their own devices, the fundamentalist American Christians would override any decision made by the Knisset to give up the settlements in the West Bank, Gaza strip or anywhere else in Israel.

Web, are you advocating Israel taking land from, let's see, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia?

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid my God is bigger than that and He will come again in His own way and own time. And it certainly doesn't depend on anything we do to change the map.

I am not advocating Israel take over anything...only that it not give anything else away to those who want its annihilation and destruction, for the sake of appeasement.

Rita Loca said...

What a short sighted statement! Evangelicals support Israel for many different reasons and having 42 years of being in evangelical churches, I have never once heard this taught as THE reason for supporting Israel.

There are many historical, moral and even legal reasons to support Israel. Also, common sense. it is a free democratic ,productive society in an area where there are no others.

Anonymous said...

AMEN, Sister!

And oh by the way, Palestineans in Israel are far better off than they are in many other surrounding countries, by a long shot.

Anonymous said...

Great. Another testimonial on why religion is the most dangerous and divisive threat to humanity. Yes, let's base our policies on ancient scrolls and invisible men in the sky. Sounds rational to me.

Anonymous said...

OK, you're right. It's not THE reason. It's probably the second of third reason on the list, after Israel being a democracy, and generally being on our side. But it's definitely up there on the list, which is why groups John Hagee's Christians United for Israel get to have "off the record" meetings with Bush administration officals.

Out of curiousity, what is the legal reason for fundamentalist Christianity's support of Israel?

Anonymous said...

You're correct Pam, those who followed Jesus Christ, many of the Apostles, were murdered for their beliefs. It's been dangerous to many other down through the centuries.

And as for divisive, you're once again correct. And you ain't seen nothing yet....there's coming a division that will make all others pale in comparison.

Anonymous said...

So far, Americans seem to pale in comparison to our enemies' resolve. I haven't seen many christian or American suicide bombers yet. You are correct, christians murdered many for their 'heretical' beliefs (i.e Pope Innocent's Albigensian Crusade that killed at least 7000), just as someone else's god deified the murder of Americans in a suicide attack on 9/11. It is the same mentality. Religion is the greatest threat to humanity, that is clear. It is the root cause of much of the violence in the world today. You like many fundamentalists seem to yearn for such conflict and aggression against Muslims, Arabs, non-christians, etc...

Anonymous said...

No one in their right mind yearns for conflict with anyone.

Having said that, we'd all be willing and able to deal with the tough stuff of conflict in the years ahead. It's the human condition and as far as I'm concerned, the world has been overly-feminized and overly afraid of conflict and war.

We'd better fasten out seat-belts and be ready for lots of conflict in the coming times.

Anonymous said...

The world has become overly-feminized and afraid of conflict and war?? What in the world are you talking about??

This country isn't afraid of war, and isn't afraid of taking the fight to the enemy. The problem is we don't have the kind of leadership who will inspire us to fight this battle to the end.

Where is the call for national service? Where is the call for Arabic speakers? Where is the call for the new crop of diplomats? Have you, Web, been asked for any real sacrifice? Jungle Mom? Any of you? Unless you're a military family, almost nothing has been asked of you.

The problem isn't over-feminization or other such nonsense. It's fighting decades long wars with no call for all of us to be in the fight together.