Saturday, October 07, 2006

Getting remarried vs. starting a blog

Today, Saturday the 7th, one of my best girl friends, Edie, is getting married for the third time on a big butte overlooking our beloved Snake River, with full views of The Grand. And here I sit thousands of miles away, trying to figure out how to spell "relativism" for my new blog.

Wish I could be there, E and R, but since I'm not, my love and best wishes are with you. May God bless your union.

Go ahead and make a liar of the guy who said: "Remarriage is the triumph of hope over experience!" Make me want to throw this computer out the window and go fling myself down that aisle again.

It may be a hard sell though.

Have a smoke on me!


Tiago Pimentel said...

Nice quote there!

vanderleun said...

For spelling issues,

is your friend.

Log in and drag the URL to your Safari tool bar.